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Startup vs Corporate Job: Pros and Cons, Career, Salary and Job Security

July 24, 2024 - 10:52
Startup vs Corporate Job:Pros and Cons,Career,Salary and Job Security

Choosing a career path is a significant decision that can impact your professional life for years to come. Two prominent options that stand out are startups and established corporations (MNCs). Both offer unique experiences with distinct advantages and disadvantages. This article delves into the key aspects of startup jobs versus corporate jobs, helping you make an informed decision.This article deals with the Startup advantages and disadvantages,Career growth in startups and on the top of all Startup vs corporate job on a birds eye view.Moreover this article gives you insights in Amrita TBI,Amrita University. 

The fundamental difference between startups and corporations lies in their size and stage of development. Startups are generally young companies, often with less than 50 employees, working on launching and establishing their product or service in the market. They rely heavily on innovation and agility to gain traction. Conversely, MNCs are well-established organizations with a larger workforce and a defined structure. They prioritize efficiency and smooth operation within a well-oiled machine.Amrita University MBA Program teaches entrepreneurship as in their curriculum. 

The given below is table showing Startup vs corporate job. Each of it is divided into different parameters or various features throughout this comparison table. 




Work Environment 

Fast-paced, dynamic, constantly evolving 

Structured, stable, well-defined processes 

Ownership and Impact 

High ownership, direct impact on company success 

Lower ownership, contributions part of a larger machine 

Learning and Development 

Steep learning curve, diverse skill development 

Slower learning, focus on specialization 

Career Growth 

Potentially faster, based on merit and results 

Slower, with established promotion criteria 


Lower starting salary, potential for equity rewards 

Higher starting salary, comprehensive benefits package 

Job Security 

Lower job security, higher risk of failure 

Higher job security, established organization 

Work-Life Balance 

Can be challenging, long hours and demanding workload 

Emphasis on work-life balance, standard working hours 


Informal communication, flat hierarchy, “hustle” mentality 

Formal communication, clear hierarchy, structured processes 

This section of the article deals with Pros and cons of startup jobs or moreover Startup advantages and disadvantages.Pros and cons of startup jobs comes with great uniqueness which are as follows:- 


  • Fast-paced and dynamic environment: Startups are constantly evolving and adapting. This fosters an exciting and dynamic work environment where you can learn quickly and wear multiple hats. 
  • High ownership and impact: Your contributions have a direct impact on the company’s success. You get to see your work come to life and feel a strong sense of ownership. 
  • Steep learning curve: Startups offer immense learning opportunities. You’ll be exposed to various aspects of the business and develop a diverse skillset. 
  • Potential for high rewards: Successful startups can offer significant equity (ownership) in the company, leading to substantial financial rewards if the company thrives. 
  • Job insecurity: Startups are inherently risky ventures. There’s a chance the company might not succeed, leading to job instability. 
  • Long hours and demanding workload: Startups often require long working hours and dedication from employees, especially during crucial phases. 
  • Limited resources and structure: Startups may not have established processes or a clear hierarchy. You might need to manage with limited resources and adapt to frequent changes. 
  • Lower starting salary: Starting salaries in startups can be lower than those in established corporations. However, equity can potentially compensate for this difference in the long run. 

 The above explanation migh have given you much clarity on Startup advantages and disadvantages 

Career growth in startups is often characterized by: 

  • Wearing multiple hats: You’ll likely take on various responsibilities beyond your designated role, leading to a broader skillset. 
  • Rapid learning: The fast-paced environment promotes continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies and strategies. 
  • Visibility and ownership: Your contributions are directly visible, offering opportunities to take initiative and showcase your skills. 
  • Flat hierarchy: Startups typically have a flatter structure, allowing for easier access to leadership and faster decision-making. 

However, career progression in terms of defined titles and promotions might be less structured compared to MNCs. The focus is often on adaptability and acquiring diverse skills rather than climbing a pre-defined career ladder. 

Corporate culture refers to the values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape an organization’s work environment. Here’s a comparison of Corporate culture vs startup culture: 

Corporate Culture: 

  • Structured and stable: Well-defined processes, clear hierarchies, and established procedures. 
  • Formal communication: Communication often follows defined channels and protocols. 
  • Work-life balance: Emphasis on maintaining a healthy work-life balance with standard working hours and benefits. 
  • Slower career progression: Advancement typically follows a set path with established promotion criteria. 
    Startup Culture: 
  • Fast-paced and dynamic: Adaptability, innovation, and agility are highly valued. 
  • Informal communication: Open communication and collaboration are encouraged, often in a flat hierarchy. 
  • “Hustle” mentality: Long hours and dedication are expected to achieve rapid growth. 
  • Faster career growth (potentially): Opportunities for rapid skill development and taking on leadership roles can lead to quicker advancement based on merit and results. 

The below table shows both Corporate culture vs startup culture in a nutshell. 


Corporate Culture 

Startup Culture 


Structured and stable 

Fast-paced and dynamic 


Formal communication 

Informal communication 

Work-life balance 

Emphasis on work-life balance 

“Hustle” mentality 

Career progression 

Slower, with established promotion criteria 

Potentially faster, based on merit and results 

Choosing between a startup and a Multinational Corporation (MNC) is a significant decision for any professional. Both offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, and the optimal choice hinges on your individual career aspirations and risk tolerance. 

Work Culture: 

  • Startups: Foster an informal and dynamic work environment. Employees are expected to be adaptable and wear multiple hats, fostering a collaborative spirit. Open communication and a focus on innovation are hallmarks of startup culture. 
  • MNCs: Provide a more formal and structured work environment with well-defined roles and responsibilities. This fosters specialization and expertise within a particular domain. 

Growth and Learning: 

  • Startups: Offer a steeper learning curve due to the dynamic nature of the business. Employees gain exposure to diverse aspects of the company’s operations, accelerating skill development. However, career paths may be less defined due to the company’s evolving structure. 
  • MNCs: Provide established training programs and opportunities to develop specialized skills within a particular field. Career advancement typically follows a well-defined track, offering clarity for long-term professional goals. 

Stability and Security: 

  • Startups: Inherently carry a higher risk of failure, particularly in the initial stages. Compensation packages may be lower initially, but may include stock options that could yield significant rewards if the company succeeds. 
  • MNCs: Offer greater stability and job security due to their established market presence. Compensation packages are typically competitive and include comprehensive benefits packages. 

The table given below will show the major differences between Startup and MNC. 




Work Culture 

Informal, fast-paced, dynamic 

Formal, structured, well-defined roles 

Growth and Learning 

Steeper learning curve, wear multiple hats, faster leadership potential 

Established training, specialization, slower promotion (clearer path) 

Stability and Security 

Higher risk, lower upfront compensation (may include stock options) 

More stable, job security, competitive salaries, benefits 

  • Amrita Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) connection: Amrita AHEAD is affiliated with Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, which has a dedicated Amrita Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) This suggests that entrepreneurial thinking and skills development might be integrated into the AHEAD MBA program. 
  • Focus on Skill Development: The AHEAD program brochure highlights its focus on “skill-added curriculum” and “application-based learning” This suggests the program might equip you with practical skills relevant to entrepreneurship, even if there isn’t a dedicated entrepreneurship specialization. 

Here are some possibilities for how entrepreneurship might be covered in the Amrita AHEAD MBA Program: 

  • Integrated Modules: Entrepreneurship concepts could be woven into core business courses like marketing, finance, and strategy. This could involve case studies on startups, discussions on business model development, or even simulations of launching a new venture. 
  • Elective Courses: The program might offer elective courses specifically focused on entrepreneurship. These could cover topics like venture creation, pitching to investors, or managing a startup. 
  • Guest Lectures and Workshops: The program might invite entrepreneurs or industry experts to deliver guest lectures or conduct workshops on specific entrepreneurial themes. 

The Salary in startup vs MNC given below gives a general view while the table following the general view describes the main points that you need to focus in the case of Salary in startup vs MNC 
Startup Salary: 

  • Lower starting salary: Generally lower base salary compared to MNCs, especially in the initial stages. 
  • Equity potential: Stock options or ownership in the company can offer significant financial rewards if the startup succeeds. 
  • Limited benefits: Startups might offer fewer benefits packages compared to established corporations. 
    MNC Salary: 
  • Higher starting salary: Typically offer competitive salaries with established pay scales. 
  • Comprehensive benefits: Often provide health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other benefits. 
  • Limited equity potential: Rarely offer ownership in the company. 

The table given below shows various job titles and average salary with reference to glass door website. Salary information is based on estimates and can vary depending on location, experience, company size, specific role, and currency fluctuations.  




Work Culture 

Informal, fast-paced, dynamic 

Formal, structured, well-defined roles 

Growth and Learning 

Steeper learning curve, wear multiple hats, faster leadership potential 

Established training, specialization, slower promotion (clearer path) 

Stability and Security 

Higher risk, lower upfront compensation (may include stock options) 

More stable, job security, competitive salaries, benefits 

Job Title 

Average Base Salary (Startup) (₹) 

Average Base Salary (MNC) (₹) 

Software Engineer 

₹60,00,000 – ₹75,00,000 

₹75,00,000 – ₹90,00,000 

Marketing Manager 

₹56,25,000 – ₹67,50,000 

₹63,75,000 – ₹75,00,000 

Product Manager 

₹63,75,000 – ₹78,75,000 

₹71,25,000 – ₹86,25,000 

Human Resources Manager 

₹52,50,000 – ₹63,75,000 

₹60,00,000 – ₹71,25,000 

Data Analyst 

₹48,75,000 – ₹60,00,000 

₹56,25,000 – ₹67,50,000 

Graphic Designer 

₹45,00,000 – ₹56,25,000 

₹52,50,000 – ₹63,75,000 

Sales Representative 

₹40,50,000 – ₹52,50,000 

₹48,75,000 – ₹60,00,000 

Content Writer 

₹37,50,000 – ₹48,75,000 

₹45,00,000 – ₹56,25,000 

Web Developer 

₹56,25,000 – ₹67,50,000 

₹63,75,000 – ₹75,00,000 

Mobile Developer 

₹60,00,000 – ₹75,00,000 

₹71,25,000 – ₹86,25,000 

User Experience (UX) Designer 

₹52,50,000 – ₹63,75,000 

₹60,00,000 – ₹71,25,000 

Business Development Manager 

₹67,50,000 – ₹82,50,000 

₹75,00,000 – ₹90,00,000 

Data Scientist 

₹71,25,000 – ₹86,25,000 

₹82,50,000 – ₹97,50,000 

Account Manager 

₹52,50,000 – ₹63,75,000 

₹60,00,000 – ₹71,25,000 

Customer Success Manager 

₹56,25,000 – ₹67,50,000 

₹63,75,000 – ₹75,00,000 

Digital Marketing Manager 

₹52,50,000 – ₹63,75,000 

₹60,00,000 – ₹71,25,000 

Software Quality Assurance (QA) Tester 

₹45,00,000 – ₹56,25,000 

₹52,50,000 – ₹63,75,000 

Product Marketing Manager 

₹60,00,000 – ₹75,00,000 

₹67,50,000 – ₹82,50,000 

Business Analyst 

₹56,25,000 – ₹67,50, 


Job security is generally higher in MNCs due to their established status and financial stability. They offer a sense of long-term career stability with well-defined benefits and promotion tracks. However, the trade-off might be slower innovation, less dynamic work environments, and potentially less ownership over your work. 

Job security is generally considered higher in MNCs due to several factors: 

  • Established Status: MNCs are well-established organizations with a proven track record of success. They have a diversified business model and a larger customer base, making them less susceptible to economic downturns or industry disruptions compared to startups. 
  • Financial Stability: MNCs typically have strong financial resources, which allows them to weather economic storms and invest in future growth. This financial stability translates into a lower risk of layoffs compared to startups that might struggle with funding or profitability. 
  • Structured Processes: MNCs operate with well-defined processes and procedures. This creates a predictable work environment and reduces the risk of job losses due to sudden changes in strategy or leadership. 
  • Strong Brand Reputation: MNCs often have a strong brand reputation which attracts and retains top talent. They invest in training and development programs for their employees, increasing their value and employability within the company. 
  • Unionization: Some MNCs, especially in certain countries, may have unionized workforces. Unions act as a collective bargaining unit, providing employees with greater job security and protection against layoffs. 

However, it’s important to consider that job security in MNCs is not absolute. Here are some factors that can impact job security in MNCs: 

  • Economic Downturns: Even large companies can be affected by severe economic downturns. During such times, MNCs might resort to layoffs or restructuring to reduce costs, impacting job security. 
  • Industry Disruption: Rapid technological advancements or changes in consumer behavior can disrupt entire industries. MNCs operating in such industries might face challenges and potential job losses. 
  • Company Restructuring: MNCs may undergo mergers, acquisitions, or internal restructuring to improve efficiency. These changes can sometimes lead to redundancies and job losses in certain departments. 
  • Offshoring: MNCs may choose to offshore certain operations to locations with lower labor costs. This could lead to job losses in the company’s home country. 

Overall, while MNCs offer a higher degree of job security compared to startups, it’s not a guarantee. Staying adaptable, developing relevant skills, and staying informed about industry trends can help you maintain your employability within an MNC. 

The Amrita Technology Business Incubator (TBI) is a non-profit organization supported by the Government of India . Amrita TBI aims to fund, mentor, and nurture aspiring entrepreneurs and startups, particularly in the technology sector .Established institutions like Amrita TBI ,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University plays a crucial role in fostering innovation and technological advancements in India by providing critical support to budding tech ventures. 

These points give you a fullfledged view to choose Amrita TBI for fulfilling your future technological ventures. 

  • Comprehensive Support: Amrita TBI offers a holistic ecosystem for tech startups. From workspace and funding to mentorship and networking opportunities, they equip you for success. 
  • Focus on Innovation: Amrita TBI fosters a culture of innovation, helping early-stage and growing startups translate their ideas into reality. 
  • Industry Expertise: Benefit from guidance and mentorship by experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals, accelerating your venture’s growth. 
  • Funding and Investment: Amrita TBI connects startups with potential investors and offers seed funding opportunities, fueling your entrepreneurial journey. 
  • Ideal Location: Located in the heart of India’s innovation landscape, Amrita TBI provides access to a vibrant network of collaborators and potential partners. 

If you’re a passionate tech entrepreneur with a scalable idea then Amrita University is your destination to pursue your goals.Amrita TBI can be your launchpad in incubating your ventures. They support startups across various technology sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, and artificial intelligence. 

Please visit the Amrita TBI website ( to explore their programs, eligibility criteria, and application process. Unleash your potential and turn your tech vision into a reality with the support of Amrita TBI. 

Which is better, startup or corporate? 

There’s no single answer, as the ideal work environment depends on your priorities and career goals. If you crave a fast-paced, dynamic atmosphere where you can take on challenges and potentially reap high rewards, a startup might be a good fit. Startups often involve a steeper learning curve, allowing you to develop a diverse skillset and have a significant impact on the company’s success. However, job security can be lower, and startups may require long hours and a demanding workload with potentially fewer resources and benefits. 

On the other hand, if stability, work-life balance, and a clear career path are more important to you, then a corporate (MNC) job might be preferable. MNCs typically offer higher starting salaries, comprehensive benefits packages, and established career paths with promotion opportunities. However, the work environment may be slower-paced with less emphasis on innovation, and you might have less ownership over your specific projects. 
Do startups pay more salary?

Starting salaries in startups might be lower than those in MNCs. However, startups often offer equity (ownership) in the company. If the startup succeeds, this equity can translate into significant financial gains that could outweigh the lower base salary. 
Is working in a startup better than MNC?

There’s no inherent superiority between startups and MNCs. It depends on what you value most in a work environment. Startups can provide a stimulating and fast-paced atmosphere where you can learn quickly and wear multiple hats. You’ll have a high degree of ownership over your work and potentially a significant impact on the company’s direction. However, job security may be lower, and the workload can be demanding with limited resources and benefits. 

MNCs, on the other hand, typically offer greater work-life balance and established career paths with promotion opportunities. You’ll benefit from a comprehensive benefits package and a more stable work environment. However, the work pace might be slower, with less emphasis on innovation and potentially less ownership over your specific projects. 
Is it good to start a career in a startup?

Starting your career in a startup can be a great way to gain exposure to various aspects of a business and develop a diverse skillset in a fast-paced environment. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from experienced founders and mentors, and potentially share in the success of the company if it takes off. However, consider your risk tolerance and financial needs, as startups might not offer the same level of stability as MNCs. 
What is a startup in TBI?

A TBI (Technology Business Incubator) startup is a young company in its initial stages of development that receives support and resources from a TBI program. These programs offer guidance, mentorship, workspace, and sometimes even funding to help promising tech startups grow and succeed. 
How many Atal Incubation Centres are there in India?

The exact number of Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) in India fluctuates as new ones are added. However, as of July 2024, there are hundreds of AICs spread throughout India, established by the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) to foster entrepreneurship and technological innovation. 
How does a TBI work?

TBIs typically provide a range of services to their startups, including: 

  • Workspace: Office space or co-working facilities for startups to operate. 
  • Mentorship: Guidance and advice from experienced entrepreneurs or industry professionals. 
  • Networking: Opportunities to connect with investors, potential partners, and other startups. 
  • Training and workshops: Programs to help startups develop essential business skills. 
  • Funding: Some TBIs may offer seed funding or connect startups with investors. 
  1. What is the concept of TBI?

The concept of a TBI is to create a supportive environment where promising tech startups can develop and thrive. By providing resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, TBIs help bridge the gap between a startup’s initial idea and its successful growth into a sustainable business. 

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual personality, risk tolerance, and long-term career aspirations. 

The choice between a startup and a corporate job depends on your priorities and career goals. If you thrive on challenge, agility, and the potential for high rewards, a startup might be a great fit. For those seeking stability, work-life balance, and a clear career path, an MNC could be the better option. Ultimately, the ideal choice depends on your individual personality, risk tolerance, and long-term aspirations 

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