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Commerce Final Year Project Ideas in 2024

February 26, 2024 - 2:00
Commerce Final Year Project Ideas in 2024

Are you a B. Com student preparing for your final year project in 2024? Do you want to make a lasting impact and demonstrate your research skills in a relevant and impactful way? Look no further! This comprehensive guide provides you with a high-quality career perspective. 

Explore the world of marketing to ensure the power of the growing phenomenon of influencer endorsements, personalised campaigns, and livestream shopping. The international financial challenges delve into the global impact of cryptocurrency, the implications of trade wars, and the rise of microfinance in developing countries. 

This article is a map to guide you through the project selection process, from understanding the project guidelines to developing a complex research proposal and providing an elegant presentation. Filled with valuable tips and insights, this guide empowers you to conduct research, express your critical thinking, and leave a lasting impact on your learning journey. 

Here are some Commerce final year projects and Commerce project topics that can be used for BCOM final year. These are categorised into multiple areas such as: 

  • Marketing 
  • International Finance 
  • Business Management 
  • Accounting and Finance 
  • Crypto Currency 
  1. Impact of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour: Analyse how influencer endorsements affect purchasing decisions within specific demographics. 
  2. Personalized Marketing Strategies in the Digital Age: Explore effective methods for tailoring marketing campaigns thereby initiating individual consumer preferences. 
  3. The Rise of Livestream Shopping: Investigate the growing phenomenon of live-commerce and its various implications for brands. 
  4. Measuring the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing for SMEs: Develop a framework to assess the ROI of social media campaigns. for small scale businesses. 
  5. Exploring the Ethical Implications of Targeted Advertising: The potential privacy concerns and biases associated with personalised ad targeting. 
  6. The Effectiveness of Green Marketing Strategies: Consumer response to environmentally conscious marketing practices is analysed. 
  7. Marketing Strategies for Subscription-Based Services: To Investigate effective methods for acquiring and retaining subscribers. 
  8. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing Automation: Explore how AI is transforming marketing tasks and campaign management in today’s scenario. 
  9. Understanding Customer Engagement in the Multi-Channel Retail Landscape: Analysis on how consumers interact with brands across different channels. 
  10. The Evolving Role of Content Marketing in the Digital Age: The importance of creating valuable content to attract and engage customers. 
  1. The Impact of Global Trade Wars on Foreign Direct Investment: Analyze how trade tensions affect international investment flows. 
  2. Cryptocurrency as an Emerging Asset Class in Global Finance: Explore the potential and risks associated with cryptocurrencies in international markets. 
  3. Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Risk Management Strategies for Multinational Companies: Investigate methods for mitigating currency risks for global businesses. 
  4. Foreign Exchange Intervention and its Effectiveness in International Monetary Policy: Evaluate the tools and impact of central bank interventions in currency markets. 
  5. The Rise of Microfinance and its Role in Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries: Analyse the impact of microfinance on poverty reduction and economic development. 
  6. Sustainable Investing and the Growing Influence of ESG Factors: Explore the integration of environmental, social, and governance factors into investment decisions. 
  7. The Impact of Blockchain Technology on International Trade Finance: Investigate how blockchain can improve efficiency and transparency in trade finance processes. 
  8. The Globalization of the Sharing Economy and its Impact on Traditional Financial Institutions: Analyse the challenges and opportunities for banks and other financial institutions arising from the sharing economy. 
  9. Cybersecurity Risks and Challenges in International Financial Transactions: Assess the vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies for cyberattacks in the financial sector. 
  10. The Future of Cross-Border Payments: Exploring Innovations and Regulations: Analyse emerging technologies and regulatory frameworks for faster and cheaper international payments. 
  1. The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Productivity and Engagement: Analyse the benefits and challenges of remote work arrangements for businesses and employees. 
  2. Agile Project Management Methodologies in a Dynamic Business Environment: Explore the implementation and effectiveness of agile methodologies in managing projects. 
  3. Entrepreneurship in the Sharing Economy: Exploring New Business Models: Analyse successful businesses operating within the sharing economy paradigm. 
  4. Building a Culture of Innovation within Organisations: Investigate strategies for encouraging and promoting innovation in the workplace. 
  5. The Changing Landscape of Leadership: Adapting to a Digital World to analyse the skills and characteristics required for effective leadership in the digital age. 
  6. Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making: Investigate how businesses can utilise data insights to improve decision-making processes. 
  7. The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Today’s Business Landscape: The impact of CSR initiatives on brand reputation and stakeholder engagement. 
  8. Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Investigate strategies for creating inclusive work environments that value diverse perspectives. 
  9. The Rise of the Gig Economy and its Implications for the Future of Work: The growing trend of freelance and contract work and its impact on traditional employment models. 
  10. Developing Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: Strategies for optimising supply chains while minimising environmental and social impact. 
  1. The Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Challenges and Opportunities: Analyse the impact of IFRS adoption on financial reporting practices and comparability. 
  2. Financial Ratio Analysis for Investment Decision-Making: Investigate the use of financial ratios to assess the performance and risk of potential investments. 
  3. The Role of Fintech in Transforming the Accounting and Finance Industry: Explore the impact of emerging technologies on traditional accounting and finance practices. 
  4. Internal Audit and Corporate Governance: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability: Analyse the role of internal audit in mitigating risks and promoting ethical business practices. 
  5. Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Secure and Efficient Auditing: Investigate the potential of blockchain technology in improving audit procedures and reducing fraud risk. 
  6. Developing Effective Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques: Analyse different budgeting methods and their effectiveness in financial planning. 
  7. Financial Modelling and Valuation for Business Decisions: Investigate the use of financial models to assess the value of businesses and make investment decisions. 
  8. The Ethics of Accounting and Financial Reporting: Maintaining Integrity in the Profession: Analyse the ethical considerations faced by accountants and auditors and discuss best practices for upholding ethical standards. 
  9. Exploring the Future of Accounting: Emerging Trends and Disruptive Technologies: Discuss the potential impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation on the accounting and finance profession. 
  1. The Future of Money: Exploring the Potential of Cryptocurrency: Analyse the transformative possibilities of cryptocurrencies and their potential impact on traditional financial systems. 
  2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): A New Paradigm for Financial Services: Investigate the rise of DeFi applications and their potential to provide alternative financial services without relying on intermediaries. 
  3. The Regulation of Cryptocurrency: Balancing Innovation and Consumer Protection: Explore the ongoing debate about regulating cryptocurrencies and the potential impact of different regulatory approaches. 
  4. Stablecoins: Bridging the Gap Between Crypto and TradFi: The role of stablecoins in connecting the traditional financial system with the cryptocurrency market and their potential for mainstream adoption. 
  5. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Friend or Foe of Crypto? Compare and contrast CBDCs with existing cryptocurrencies and analyse their potential impact on the financial landscape. 
  6. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): A Revolution in Digital Ownership? To investigate the potential of NFTs for ownership and monetization of digital assets, while considering the challenges and limitations surrounding this technology. 
  7. Security and Fraud in the Cryptocurrency Market: The common security threats and scams associated with cryptocurrencies and discuss best practices for protecting oneself. 
  8. The Environmental Impact of Proof-of-Work Blockchains: The energy consumption and carbon footprint of proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin and explore alternative, more sustainable consensus mechanisms. 
  9. The Future of Blockchain Technology Beyond Cryptocurrencies: The potential applications of blockchain technology in various industries beyond cryptocurrencies, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and voting systems. 
  10. Privacy-Focused Cryptocurrencies: Balancing Transparency and Anonymity: The development of privacy-focused coins like Zcash and Monero instead of the trade-offs between transparency and anonymity in cryptocurrency systems and discussion. 

Here is a quick summary of the Commerce Final year project ideas 2024

Marketing Analyse influencer marketing, personalised campaigns, livestream shopping, social media ROI, ethical targeting, green marketing, subscription strategies, AI automation, customer engagement, and content marketing. 
International Finance Analyse IFRS implementation, financial ratio analysis, fintech’s impact, internal audit and governance, blockchain for auditing, budgeting and forecasting techniques, financial modeling and valuation, accounting ethics, and emerging trends in the profession. 
Business Management Investigate remote work’s impact, agile project management, entrepreneurship in the sharing economy, building a culture of innovation, adapting leadership to the digital world, leveraging big data, corporate social responsibility, managing diversity and inclusion, gig economy’s implications, and sustainable supply chain practices. 
Accounting and Finance Analyse IFRS implementation, financial ratio analysis, fintech’s impact, internal audit and governance, blockchain for auditing, budgeting and forecasting techniques, financial modelling and valuation, accounting ethics, and emerging trends in the profession. 
Cryptocurrency Explore the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies, decentralised finance (DeFi), cryptocurrency regulation, stablecoins bridging the gap between traditional and crypto finance, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), security and fraud in the market, environmental impact of proof-of-work blockchains, future of blockchain technology beyond crypto, and privacy-focused cryptocurrencies. 

Commerce Final year project ideas 2024 

There’s no “best” topic, but consider your interests, program focus, and current trends. Here are some specific areas with high potential that you can include: – 

Emerging Technologies: 

  • Impact of AI on areas such as personalised marketing or targeted advertising.
  • Blockchain in supply chain management, its transparency and efficiency.
  • Big data analytics for optimising inventory management in retail.


  • Consumer preferences for eco-friendly products and ethical sourcing.
  • Green marketing strategies and their effectiveness in different sectors.
  • Sustainable business practices in a specific industry (e.g., fashion, tourism).

Changing Consumer Behaviour: 

  • Livestream shopping’s influence on purchasing decisions and brand engagement.
  • Social media’s role in shaping consumer preferences and brand loyalty.
  • The rise of subscription services and their impact on traditional retail models.

Global Issues: 

  • The impact of trade wars on specific industries or countries’ economics.
  • Cryptocurrency’s role in international finance and potential regulations.
  • The economic and social impact of globalisation on developing countries.

Niche Industries: 

  • Challenges and opportunities for healthcare service providers in the digital age.
  • The impact of travel technology on the tourism industry and tourist behaviour.
  • The changing landscape of education and the rise of online learning platforms.

2. What are the projects in Commerce?

Here are some trending commerce project ideas types with specific examples: 

Market Research: 

  • Analyse consumer perceptions or consumer buying behaviour of a specific brand in your city and outside.
  • Investigate the effectiveness of a digital marketing strategies in digital age
  • Conduct a survey on customer satisfaction with a particular service industry and beyond., rise of live stream shopping, ethical Implications of Targeted Advertising
  • Effectiveness of Green Marketing Strategies. for Subscription-Based Services
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing Automation 
  • Understanding Customer Engagement in the Multi-Channel Retail Landscape 
  • The Evolving Role of Content Marketing in the Digital Age

Financial Analysis: 

  • Evaluate the financial performance of a listed company over the past five years and beyond.
  • Compare and contrast the investment potential of two different stocks in the market.
  • Build a financial model to forecast the profitability of a new business venture in today’s world.
  • The Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Challenges and Opportunities 
  • Financial Ratio Analysis for Investment Decision-Making 
  • The Role of Fintech in Transforming the Accounting and Finance Industry 
  • Internal Audit and Corporate Governance: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability 
  • Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Secure and Efficient Auditing 
  • Developing Effective Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques 
  • Financial Modelling and Valuation for Business Decisions 
  • The Ethics of Accounting and Financial Reporting: Maintaining Integrity in the Profession 
  • Exploring the Future of Accounting: Emerging Trends and Disruptive Technologies

Case Studies: 

  • Analyse the turnaround strategy of a struggling company in your region.
  • Examine the success factors of a leading brand in a specific industry.
  • Evaluate the impact of a government policy on a particular sector of the economy as such.

Feasibility Studies: 

  • Assess the viability of opening a new restaurant in your city, a feasibility study.
  • Develop a business plan for launching an online ecommerce store.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of introducing a new product or service in a specific market.

Policy Analysis: 

  • Analyse the impact of a recent tax reform on small businesses.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of government regulations on a specific industry.
  • Compare and contrast labour policies in two different countries.

Here are some specific hot topics with high research potential: 

  • AI-powered chatbots for customer service and personalized marketing.
  • The rise of the sharing economy and its impact on traditional business models (e.g., Airbnb, Uber).
  • Fintech disrupting traditional financial services (e.g., mobile payments, online lending).
  • The growing demand for sustainable products and services.
  • The impact of remote work on employee productivity and workplace culture.
  • The potential of blockchain technology in various commerce applications (e.g., supply chain management, loyalty programs).
  • Cybersecurity threats and challenges in the digital age for businesses.

4. Which topic is best for a Final year project ideas 2024?

Choose a topic that: 

  • Interests you: 
  • Aligns with your program.
  • Offers research potential.
  • Allows skill showcase.

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