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Education, Life, and Emotional Intelligence

November 9, 2022 - 3:13
Education Life and Emotional Intelligence 1

Our unwillingness to accept the truth is the root cause of much of the anguish we experience. It’s just how life is.

When we refuse to accept life as it is, we incur pain. Once you’ve come to terms with your circumstances, you should ask yourself, “Okay, what should I be doing now?” The strength comes from within naturally.

Don’t give up when everything seems against you: bad weather, no response from your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend on WhatsApp, an immovable hurdle, etc. Accept the situation as it is. Breathe. Life is flowing. Always. We’re the ones going against the current. Don’t fight the flow; instead, go with it.

What Is the Aim of Education?

Education encompasses many meanings, definitions, and goals, such as the general social advancement of an individual and community status through science or technology, economic development, and spiritual enlightenment. Education aims not to make anyone perfect but to help them find their purpose in life. The main aim of education is not just about getting a job or finding food or shelter. Still, it’s also about being able to find your own personality too.

Education ensures children advance in two stages—firstly, knowledge of morality to know right from wrong; second, a skillset and mindset to develop into the ideal citizen for the world of tomorrow.

An incorrect aim of education—self-centered and partial thinking is under some extreme ideologies that we hear these days. In contrast, education must aim for happiness, the evolution of society, and world peace.

What Are the Qualities We Need for Education?

The qualities we need for education in the 21st century are intelligence and adaptability. Education is constantly evolving to suit different types of people and situations. It is essential to be able to assimilate the qualities in others.

Intelligence: is being able to unlock the knowledge in our minds and abilities and discover life’s purpose through that. Developing intelligence is vital in both academic and personal life.

Adaptability: This can be seen from a different perspective by understanding that humans adapt quickly to different types of people and situations. This is crucial when you work in teams when you need to manage a team and lead them. This adaptability will come in handy when you join any workforce.

Emotional Intelligence

Understanding EQ and IQ is crucial for any aspect of life. By nature, humans are emotional beings. We need to be able to embrace emotions, identify them and express them in a healthy way for others around us.

Emotional intelligence(otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is considered a catalyst in high-performance workplaces. Emotionally intelligent people can coexist and thrive as a team because they can recognize the emotional expressions of their teammates, respond to challenges appropriately, balance self-care with work, engage with coworkers, and handle work-life issues effectively.

Essentially, EQ is all about human perception and its effect on action. An active social schedule can make EQ much more functional—it increases decision-making potential at work, intimate relationships and disputes with other people or business partners, and creates relational transparency that empowers empathy.

In contrast, IQ is a measure of general intelligence mainly focusing on a person’s cognitive skills such as language comprehension, mathematical reasoning, etc.

IQ and EQ are significant as they contribute to an individual’s personal and professional success. We must find the right balance of EQ and IQ to achieve success in our life.

How Can We Prosper in Our Chosen Career Path?

Team players are notoriously challenging to come by. However, the first step in creating a great team is to be able to contribute independently and be self-reliant. As an individual in any career, you must accept others’ strengths and what you will excel at. Understanding different types of personalities and how that affects your ability to get along with others can also make for influential team members.

Finding new opportunities is about taking risks, experimenting with tactics, and having conviction in your artistic style. Finding like-minded individuals will only do great for those willing to put their effort toward trying new ideas.

Do We Need Both Material and Spiritual Life?

Whether or not we need both material and spiritual lives is a hot topic in today’s society. Materialistic and spiritual lives are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Still, we must find a balance between them. What do you think?

I believe there is a balance between material and spiritual life. Surprisingly, science has shown the effects of those who practice mindfulness exercises have had quite demonstrable improvements in work efficiency.

Everybody needs both a material and a spiritual life to be productive, so any point of view opposing this principle cannot be sustainable. A tenet of mindful living is that it helps you improve focus and self-awareness and boosts productivity, sleep quality, and income. Meditation’s effects on behavior also play a vital role in achieving professional success.

Mindful living in ancient Sanskrit is expressed as “sharpening your mind”—meaning developing a keen awareness of your effects on the world around you and lessening the impact that society and attachment have on your sensibilities.

In today’s world, people are going through a lot of stress and anxiety. To cope with this, we need to develop our emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be cultivated through a healthy mix of material and spiritual pursuits.

Let us conclude this discussion with a small story.

A female Western Buddhist student was in India to further her education with a master. She and her female companion were traveling in a rickshaw when a random guy assaulted them.

The assailant was ultimately unsuccessful, and the lady was only terrified. Nonetheless, the encounter distressed the Buddhist lady, who later disclosed it to her instructor.

To get his advice on what she should have done, she said, “What would have been the right Buddhist response?”

The instructor said, “You should have consciously and with great compassion smacked the attacker over the head with your umbrella.”

In today’s day and age, individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of developing a positive attitude.

If we want to live a meaningful life, we need both material and spiritual life. We must develop our emotional intelligence to be kind and have good words. These things make up our spirituality, which is essential in making a meaningful life.

It requires us to be kind and compassionate towards others.

Kindness is crucial because it helps us grow in terms of emotional intelligence.

May you have the courage to face life’s challenges and become valuable assets to our country. As the saying goes, “Hope is not a strategy,” but it has great power in motivating one to work hard and reach success. Being optimistic is always rewarding, as shown by the uplifting stories around India.

Discover Life’s Purpose by Delving Into Mahābhārata

Mahābhārata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being Rāmāyaṇa. The epic is part history, part myth, and part religious text, telling a story that stretches over a few thousand years.

Mahābhārata is a historical epic that gives insightful guidance through its stories about life, dharma, and humanity.

Amrita AHEAD’s Online Certificate Course Mahābhārata Upanayanam will help you mitigate and courageously face life at home and work. The course will help you understand the text to find your life’s purpose.

We form opinions and think we know what’s in this book based on various sources, including films, series, novels, short stories, poems, dramas, folk tales, traditions, and so on. But do these stories come from the authentic Mahābhārata or legend? Do we now have a Mahbhrata that has been jumbled up? Do we know what to look for and how to find it? This Program is an introduction to the many facets of this itihsa, including its textual, cultural, and spiritual dimensions, and it will help you sort all that out.

This program aims to provide participants with a clearer picture of Mahābhārata and show them where to look for answers.

If you’re interested in learning more about this program, get in touch with one of our specialists.

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